Comments:Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy

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The current situation should be largely attributed to Dick Fuld's "cling on" approach. He turned down many acquisition attempt on the perceived lack of proper value being offerred. I don't know whether accepting a lesser value was better or the bankruptcy filing was better.

He should have seen this coming long back & should have exited the mortgage business long back. Instead they went on to acquire one more mortagage company. Absolute lack of foresight!!

Lehman Brothers needs to change to be productive investments: only to build, and use the left-over assets to build up and restore Americans break down cities. Lehman Brothers should make factories of manufacturing centers in America. Make the Closed Shopping Mall of Cities, into America Factories and ship America Merchandise all over the World. Make America Millennium clothes, Make American lumber, be builders. Get the American Warrior Nobles out of the Economy it is Destroying America.

War is a Reality, Truth, and Fact but keep War in it place, when War is needed not for the Profit Greedy War bank Accounts. Construct new Buildings and make a New Millennium America and Israel to survive. There are Severe Forces in the Global Market that want the American Dollar Money to Collapse to go to the Euro money. America would have an Horror Collapse total collapse in all things.

War is not an economy, Building is an Economy, War is needed only for a Monster like Ghengis Khan types Warrior. The War Market should never stop building, but it should be for the future, non-stop new technology and always keeping the old War Market items as a needed basis. American Business have to clean up their back yards. Lehman Brothers should rebuilt a new Trade Center and name it, 'Liberty Global Trade Center' in Ohio. Only Build a memorial in New York City for the dead of 9/11/2001. (A respect memorial for the dead.) It is a very bad omen to build a Business over the dead of that place of the Destroyed World Trade Center.

The only place on Earth that respect Jewish founded investment firms are America and Israel. Lehman Brothers, should get out of the profit making business in extremes. Lehman Brothers must build a Real Economy to Focus Trade with Africa and stop trying to Control the Governments of Nations with their Races, Cultures, and Religions. Africa have diamonds, foods, an assortment of resources. America have a 1492 year History of Jewish Merchants that help make the economy of America with the aid of African Americans on Slave Ships coming to America, now it is time to Save America with honor and respect of Africa in Real Business Economy in Trade of Material Wealth. Africa, America, and Israel can survive together in all things. The Boogie Man for America is Euro money.

Merchandise of African cloth, oil, cottons, and foods. Promote Prosperity for America, Israel and Africa in Respect with Reality Business. It is the only way America will survive. Trade, real jobs, economy for families with working factories. This severe Greed of Wealth of one person is Destroying America. Lehman Brothers need to make investments in America first to secure jobs for Americans. Build America as an industry to keep the Dollar not destroy it.

The Royal Elite, Warrior Nobles, and Greedy Bankers of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East want to slice America, up like an American Apple pie. We know how it happen, Racial Wars in America, Culture Wars in America, and Religion Ordeals in America and the Americans still trying to use the Confederate Flag as Old Glory, The Stars and Stripes Forever should never be replaced with the Destructive Past. Jewish Merchants must have respect to get their Act 3 together to make a good, better, and Best America for us all. Please Note: Lehman Brothers help make America, and American Business should help them now in all things to downsize and remake a good, better, and Best Lehman brothers. Lehman Brothers should just downsize to seed money to save American workers. Lehman Brothers and other Jewish Merchants must have time to find their Souls they all lost to Greedy Profit Lust in a Self-Centered Millennium Economy of pure moneylust for severe luxury.

Note of memory for all America Business THE GREAT DEPRESSION IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA 1929, the Wealthy Business People were giving Dog Parties for their Pets sitting at the tables like they were persons, and people were losing homes to foreclosed during the 1929 Collapse.

The Great Nations of America and Africa with Israel can trade together, this time in Material products and not human flesh of Black Slavery Bodies but material industry to be productive and have prosperity.

Lehman Brothers need help[edit]

I think the United States government should step in to help Lehman Brothers, as a collapse of a major Investment Banking Company will cripple the banking system around the world because of the Lehman Brothers' strong association and ties with major banks and clients. The collapse of Lehman Brothers is definitely the day that the world will remember, as stock prices around the world are going to plummet and cause a major economic meltdown. Lehman Brothers have a massive sphere of influence on other banks such as banks in Canada, South Korea, Japan, USA and China partially.

Lehman Brothers will survive due to the very fact that we cannot afford to a massive investment banking company in the massive turmoil that has been created by American Banks. The $70 Billion that has been put forward by the bank only represents a small portion and that is insufficient for the economy to rebound and help out companies in distress.

I would suggest companies looking for a long term investment to buy Lehman Brothers as they have massive potential to grow. I would suggest anyone out there with enough money to buy out Lehman Brothers as with Merill Lynch bought it will leave a massive market for increase in Investment banking section and Bank of America will try to make Merill Lynch a profitable company before it ventures out in new developing markets. Buying Lehman Brothers will be the most amazing investment to be had due to its potential. Once the real estate business to trashed then Lehman Brothers will as profitable as ever with share prices rebounding to $80 per share.

The government should bail them out due to the fact that they helped out Fannie Mac and Freddie Mac, and them combined have a mortagage issued to around USD $1.2 trillion. Even though Lehman Brothers may not have the same coverage but it does have a significant role to play in the market and many businesses depend on it. If I was Warren Buffett then I would certainly go ahead and buy a stake of 51% in Lehman Brothers so that we have a controlling stake and then get rid of the loss making part of the business as in reality Lehman Brothers arent actually making a loss in all markets, its just in the real estate/sub prime market. But I am not Warren Buffett, so I cannot afford to buy the majority stake in Lehman Brothers. I would love to, but can't cause I have zero income.

Therefore, Lehman Brothers need to be bought over by someone who is not Goldman Sachs or Bank of America, we need people like Warren Buffett or someone as economically powerful as him to come out and buy Lehman Brothers to save the world from going into further economic decline and maybe soon into recession. A recession in times like now will not help us anymore and will only cause more banks to decline —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:56, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

No, change the question -- 16:50, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Absolutely not. Or it will wind up like Alitalia, the italian flight company which is about to fail, and which should have failed at least 10 years ago, if the italian government would not have thrown away taxpayers' money on it. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:08, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Yes, this will postpone the pain a bit at least until the US government will have to declare bankruptcy. -- 18:24, 15 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Govt Should support Lehman[edit]

Since it is a oldest & biggest finance representing Country Govt , failure will question on all top brains and Policy —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:19, 16 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

How broke are they?[edit]

I'd dearly love to see how deep in the hole they ceased to be if the CEO and the rest of the top 25% earners returned their 2006/2007 bonuses. --Brian McNeil / talk 14:32, 16 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Lehman Brother's bankruptcy[edit]

If the US Government bails out Lehman, then it indicates a responsibility towards the economy. Since the US Government represents the citizens, this money represents tax dollars from said citizens. That is not a productive, nor efficient model of business. That's socialism. Government isn't a business. If the government bailed out everyone as a 'short-term' solution, businesses would have no impetus to become better and more efficient at operating. If Uncle Sam had your back, would you review your finances and crack-down on needless expenses? Heavens no! Setting a precedent for bailing out companies would be disastrous in the long-term. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Dylock (talkcontribs) 17:03, 16 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

NO —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:57, 16 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Bad Investments[edit]

Bad investments should be allowed to fail. Anything other than this is a broken window fallacy. I don't see it any more complicated than that. Fephisto (talk) 00:53, 17 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

no. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:39, 17 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ha! What, you actually believe that Keynesian drivel? Fephisto (talk) 01:33, 18 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

No government support please, the market is well stocked with inflation and corruption thank you. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:03, 17 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

yes —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:19, 18 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Lehman Brothers bailout[edit]

No, the government should not bail out Lehman Brothers. It is most definitely not the governmen't place to have any hand in the dealings of business. That will only lead to socialism & a controlling government. ~ND

Well, you'll be happy to hear that they didn't bail out Lehman Brothers, then. --SVTCobra 01:59, 19 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Leham's should be able to participate in proposed government bailout[edit]

If the federal government goes ahead with its plans to put up 700 billion dollars to bailout the financial markets in an effort to restore market confidence and remove the logjam of illiquid mortgage backed securities then Lehman’s should be able to participate along with all the other surviving companies in spite of its chapter 11 status. If they need to withdraw from bankruptcy protection before they will be allowed to do so then let them. The chief executives have all already sold their shares for pennies on the dollar so there is really no one left to punish except hard working employees and honest creditors. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:38, 27 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

suggestions regarding the lehman brothers:

The US government should not allowed this kind of credit policy, this affected not only US government,it is affected the investors, if the US government spend this much of money,the banks not rectify the mistakes again they are doing the same kind of mistakes. so,the US government only thing is to be the credit policy. first they are separate the credit policies. it is needed for the US banks. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:11, 30 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

control credit creation of the economy