Comments:Ritual sacrifice in Nepal sees 320,000 animals slaughtered to Hindu goddess

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fucked up curry fucks, leave the animals alone

man peta must be piss!--KDP3 (talk) 23:35, 24 November 2009 (UTC)Reply


They use the animals in a feast, afterwards. How many turkeys, pigs, etc., have been butchered for thanksgiving in a couple days? Kosher meat needs to be prepared, beginning with the slaughter, in ways that are ritualistic, too. Sure, Jews don't pilgrimage to a select location to do it all together, but the equivalent of animals is probably killed during a Jewish holiday. -- (talk) 05:00, 25 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thank you. As long they don't waste the food. I have no problem.--KDP3 (talk) 01:44, 26 November 2009 (UTC)Reply


Exactly! Where more than 80% of the world is non-vege, its worthless to oppose such ritual. Muslims slaughters som many animals for IED ritual, Chrishtians also on thanks giving , jews , tribal people all over the world even sacrifice rare animals. Non-veges also do that on the name of feeding. Even they also use them for food after such ritual offering to their god / godess. At least they are not killing and eat rare animals such as shark-fin soup, embhryo of different animals as goat, sheep, monkeys. Its bull$hit if you done the worse than for what you are cusing others.Look in your self befor preeching.

ritual sacrifies[edit]

ban it


Why not bring back human sacrifice while we're regressing back into the stupid ages? I mean relly, who can honestly say butchering 300,000 animals can ever be a good thing? But of course, anything is ok as long as its for a religious figurehead. When will people wake up and stop believing fairy tales?

This ritual is rather sad. The governments refusal to condemn this ritual is probably due to it being afraid to lose votes.


To everybody whinging above let me ask you, are you vegan or vegetarian? If you're not then you're a hypocrite. The fact that a lot of animals were slaughtered does not make it different in principle from one animal being slaughtered. Do we only send a murderer to jail after he/she has killed 10 people or a rapist after at least 5 instances of rape and 2 cases of pedophilia?

Animals rights activists seem to be selective since they never protest about the 320,000 ants people step on everyday or the flies and cockroaches they kill with their spray. If you want to be theoretically consistent (though extreme) we should be seeing outrage at the large scale deforestation in the Amazon where the trees are being wiped away just as quickly. After all a plant is just as much a living organism as a human or any other animal.

And to the moaning atheist above, if gods and all that are just fairy tales shouldn't we all just try to be get the most happiness from our current situation? These people enjoyed eating the goats they sacrificed so it fits in with a materialist view of life. If you're a nihilist OTOH then your comment makes even less sense. You guys may have your superficial arguments but they can't hide your stirring racist hatred against the Indians. Best summarised by the first guy - fucked up curry fucks indeed mate! :P. DaGizza (talk) 10:05, 18 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

Your argument was doing so well untill the last paragraph. Get happiness by killing things? You were better sticking with the earlier theme of "we must eat, almost everyone eats meat, therefore if they do it and then eat it it's ok". The fact that people are too wrapped up to understad that hardly amounts to racism; more ignorance. Ignorance similar to your own, if you honestly believe an entire conversation's worth of people can be judged on the basis of a single troll. Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs) 12:31, 18 December 2009 (UTC)Reply
When did I say that "an entire conversation's worth of people can be judged on the basis of a single troll". You can say that I argued or believe that the troll above represents the majority of the people opposed to this event. The person above merely made it obvious whereas most of the time people cover their anger and hatred with euphemism. Also racism and ignorance overlap a lot. A major source of racism in the world is ignorance about other cultures. So to say that my claim of racism is wrong or too extreme when in fact they are merely ignorant is almost missing the point. As long as the whingers are well educated and have the ability to understand the reasoning behind the history and events themselves (ie. have the liberty) the ignorance isn't deliberate but has to be called racism. What else is it? No not intended racism but unintentional racism is still racism. Ask any victim. (Also I know why you responded so emotionally to the last paragraph haha!) (talk) 06:25, 24 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

This must stop[edit]

Gadhimai festival is the world's notorious mass execution of domestic animals. This has to be stopped in all cost. I didn't know about it until recently and felt real sorry for those innocent animals. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Ashishlohorung (talkcontribs) 12:39, 10 February 2014

Sad to hear this news .....stop it ....animals are wealth of nation