Man arrested for mutilating NZ body

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Photograph of the murdered man, Tony Stanlake. (Police Handout.)

Tonight, July 12, the New Zealand Police have arrested a man for murdering Tony Stanlake.

The alleged murderer, 21-year-old, will be in Wellington's District Court tomorrow morning.

Head Detective Inspector, Mike Arnerich, said "tonight's arrest was excellent news, police were still seeking more people in connection with the death. We firmly believe more people were involved in Tony's death. We've still got a lot of investigative work to do to identify and find these people."

The 62-year-old's body was found mutilated in Wellingtons south coast, New Zealand. His hands were cut off at the wrists and the head had received numerous fractures.

The police had been seeking a Subaru Legacy which got stuck in the sand at Owhiro bay a day before the body was discovered, they found the car at Wainuiomata. They forensically examined the car, this was followed by the arrest of the man.

Police are still seeking more information about the Subaru and sightings of Mr Stanlake.

The hot-line for anyone to contact with any information is (NZ) 0508733762

Elderly man's mutilated body found in Wellington's south coast, NZ (July 9, 2006)
