Talk:Protestors want 'carnival not confrontation' at Forbes conference

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Latest comment: 18 years ago by Paulrevere2005 in topic Hell raisers
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Many readers will not know what "30A" is. It should probably be introduced in the first sentence. -- 06:06, 25 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Done, however I reckon the whole thing could do with a rewording at the moment. - Borofkin 06:26, 25 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Media release[edit]

Here is the full text of the 30A network media release, incase it dissapears from the page...

20 August, 2005

With the Forbes Global CEO Conference little more than a week away, supporters of the global justice protest planned for the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House have been forced to get in early to try to counter ³irresponsible police tactics².

Spokesperson Bruce Knobloch says, ³We will take our message direct to Assistant Commissioner Bob Waites at police headquarters this Tuesday, since he¹s refused to meet with us to talk about how to do this safely for all concerned. We don¹t believe the reasons the police have given for pushing our protest out of the forecourt stand up to scrutiny. We urge the police or the premier to overturn his decision banning the public from the Opera House forecourt while the globalisation conference takes place.²

To show their intentions for carnival not confrontation 30A supporters will don clown suits and wave the colourful flags they hope to display in the forecourt on 30 August.

³We want a safe community action showing that people in Sydney oppose Howard¹s plan for a US-style wages system, the war in Iraq and his kow-towing to global corporate chiefs. We pose no threat to the Opera House or the millionaire delegates, or to other users of east Circular Quay,² Knobloch said.

³The police seem intent on creating chaos and confrontation, which is the last thing we need. We¹ve urged police to build a barrier in front of the Opera House proper and to allow us to use the public space in the forecourt. By pushing us out into the CBD the police are going to create problems for commuters and business owners,² Knobloch warned.

³It¹s bad enough that an international cultural icon like our opera house has become a corporate conferencing centre. The people of Sydney can blame Bob Carr for that. But how can the new premier justify the decision to lock down the whole of east Circular Quay for the exclusive use of a few hundred neo-conservative corporate chiefs?²

Knobloch added, ³At a time like this - with so many people worried about their job security and their kids¹ futures - it seems strange Morris Iemma is working so closely to ensure the exclusive comfort of Mr Howard, Steve Forbes and the Business Council of Australia.²

The prime minister opens the US$5000 a head Forbes Global CEO Conference at a gala dinner at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, 30 August. The conference goes through Wednesday, when further protests are planned, and ends on Thursday morning.

For more information: Bruce Knobloch
Spokesperson for the 30A Network
Phone: 0437 262 346
Protest website:

WHEN: Tuesday 24 August, 11am

WHEN: Wednesday 25 August, 2pm

Hell raisers[edit]

It's nice to see some hellraisin' protests going on somewhere; these war mongering/profiteering/traitorous[[1]] predators will steal and use more than your money and your opera houses..they want your mentality. Paulrevere2005 12:55, 25 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

  • Thanks for looking out for our opera house Paul.