Talk:Widespread looting blamed for disrupted rescue efforts in New Orleans, Louisiana

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Is it correct, and clear, to say that some evacuees are being taken by bus to Baton Rouge while the others in the Superdome are being taken to Houston? Should these sentences be made clearer?

blame the victims[edit]

In our reporting we must be careful.CNN reported earlier that it is unclear whether a helicopter was even shot at or whether the transportation of refugees was delayed. I am npoving the headlinePaulrevere2005 18:30, 1 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Source for "Governor has ordered all looters to be shot on site"?[edit]

I couldn't find one!

Me neither, so I removed the line. Might be wishful thinking on someone's part... --cmpalmer 21:53, 1 September 2005 (UTC)

This was on Yahoo news this morning: La. Governor warns troops will "shoot and kill". I think you should revise the article to include this. --Howrealisreal 14:45, 2 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Since this story is a few days old and the warning that troops will shoot to kill armed gangs who have fired on police and rescue workers is a little different than "anyone looting will be shot", I think this would be a topic for a new article once some more details are available...--cmpalmer 14:52, 2 September 2005 (UTC)

You should read the article. It explicitly says that the troops are trained to shoot to kill and will do so when they encounter looters, not armed gangs. There is nothing that says these troops are under orders to wait until they are fired upon to fire back. Additionally, this article is not "a few days old", it is from yesterday at around 11pm, a mere 12 hours from now. Please reconsider. I have to go out now and do some errands, but I will definitely find a way to include this information if it is not included when I return. --Howrealisreal 15:03, 2 September 2005 (UTC)Reply


I can't believe that anyone would suggest taking food or water from supermarkets could possibly be immoral. Taking TVs might be, but food and water????????? ~The bellman | Smile 02:44, 2 September 2005 (UTC)Reply


Where the hell are you? Every other media org is covering how incredibly late the Federal govt.'s response was to this disaster. But not a peep out of WIKINEWS. By now, EVEN Bush has admitted the response was inadequate. WIKINEWS seems to be very late in the game on things like this. I'm very dismayed in it's approach here with a headline that looked like it came striaght out of the onion or the classic '1984' novel.

I have to wonder if there is a lot of conservatives here who rabidly delete/edit factual news and headlines and hide behind a bullsh|t NPOV to promote their agenda here?