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This quiz includes questions about the content guide. Please read everything in the content guide carefully, and test yourself today!

  • Copyedit other submissions in the Newsroom and improve their chances of publication.
  • Write your articles better with the aim of getting them published easier and earlier.

1 What is the content guide about? (check all those that apply)

What must be in an article.
What can or cannot be in an article.
How to write an article.

2 Wikinews has two main types of articles. What are they? (check two)

an encyclopedia article
opinion column
a travel guide
blog entry
a book chapter
original reporting
synthesis article

3 What if something changes?

Write a new article, and link to the old one for reference.
Edit the existing article to add the update.

4 Can I edit a published article?

Only fix old articles that don't follow current style or content guidelines.
Yes, anytime.
No, this is not allowed.

5 What is 'news'? What topics are allowed? (check all those that apply)

News is something I learned of today, no-matter when it occurred.
News stories focus on a recent single current event or phenomenon.
News is timely and the story is at most a week old with new information come to light in the last 2–3 days.

6 What is 'news'? What is the scope?

News is relevant.
News can be about anything. It does not matter whether it has affected a large group of people or it is advertising.

7 What regions can I report on?

News is strictly in your local area.
You are allowed to report on news in any area.

8 What information about a recent event can be presented?

News is emerging; speculations and open questions must be present.
News is factual. Any speculations must be attributed to their author.

9 Whose opinion needs to be shown?

Articles must include an opinion of the reporter to make it easier for readers to follow.
Articles must be written from a neutral point of view.

10 Do I need to include sources?

No, the reviewer will check via a web search.
Yes, it is in the standard template at WN:WRITE.
Yes, at the talk page.

11 Does it matter which sources I include?

No, as long as it has the required information.
Try to track down the first source that makes any particular claim.

12 May I use existing URLs on the web?

Do not use existing URLs, you must report first-hand via the original reporting process.
Yes, you may. However, don't copy entire pieces of copyrighted work. (This includes most websites, even if you cannot see a copyright notice, and includes both portions of text and entire articles.)
Yes, you can copy passages from external sources to expand your story.

13 How many sources are required?

At least two independent sources are required.
At least one source is required.
At least five.
Zero; the reviewer can check on the web.