Wikinews:Briefs/April 15, 2012

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Wikinews Audio Briefs
Sunday, April 15, 2012
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Today on Wikinews: We briefly recap some of the stories appearing on Wikinews this week and from around the world.

Today is Sunday, April 15, 2012. I am Chad Tew and this is Wikinews.


North Korea's attempt to launch a multistage rocket failed Friday. The United Nations Security Council met in a closed session afterward, and U-N leaders criticized the nation.

As reported previously on Wikinews: North Korea announced a month ago that it would launch a rocket to coincide with the one hundredth birthday of the nation's founder -- Kim Il-sung. Even as North Korea planned the launch, intelligence indicated it would go ahead with a third nuclear test later. Before the launch, the Philippines said it had changed its flight plans to avoid the rocket's path and about twenty of its flights were affected.

In February, North Korea had agreed to stop nuclear tests, uranium enrichment programs and long-range rocket launches in exchange for food aid. In response to Friday's launch, the United States has stopped deliveries of food.

Supplemental sources

France shut down a nuclear power plant after a pump leak and a fire. The fire was quickly put out. Électricité de France said no one was injured and the environment was never harmed. The French Nuclear Safety Authority is currently investigating.

The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Germany's ban on incest did not violate a convicted man's right to a family and private life. The case involved a German man who was separated by adoption from his sister and later -- after learning he had a sibling -- developed a relationship with her that produced children. Three of the couple's children are in care. The court ruled that Germany had a valid interest in marriage and family law and in reducing health risks.

French authorities suspect a serial killer may be responsible for a recent string of shooting deaths. Four people have been murdered in a Paris suburb in the past six months.

In the United States, crimes involving race and sexual orientation captured public headlines this week. (2:45)

In Florida, George Zimmerman was arrested Wednesday. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain who claimed self defense in the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin. After Martin was killed his family and black leaders called for Zimmerman's arrest. On Thursday, a judge ruled there was probable cause for second degree murder. His lawyer has not asked for bail yet as he wants to assure Zimmerman will be safe, but he has indicated Zimmerman will plead not guilty in May.

In Kentucky, a grand jury charged two men with kidnapping and assault of a gay man. The man survived the beating, which he says took place in a state park. U-S Attorney Kerry Harvey says the case will be the first to use the Matthew Shepard Act, which makes it a federal crime to target a victim on the basis of sexual orientation. The lawyer for the two men says it will be difficult to prove this motivation. Conviction could carry a life sentence.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, state law is being applied to charge two white men in the murder of three black men and the shooting injuries of two others. In addition to the charges of murder and shooting with intent to kill, they are also charged with a hate crime as the prosecutor alleges the victims were targeted based on their race. It is not known yet whether the prosecution will seek the death penalty for murder.

In the U-S election, former Senator Rick Santorum has dropped out of the race for the White House. This move strengthened former Governor Mitt Romney's position for the Republican nomination and it has allowed him to focus more on the general election in November. Santorum has won eleven contests and earned two hundred and eighty five delegates, and he has not yet endorsed any candidate.

Algeria's first president Ahmed Ben Bella died. He was ninety five. Already as a young man, he joined the Algerian People's Party, known for its stand on independence from French colonial rule. He was a decorated war hero in World War Two. Afterward, he became more involved in independence, fled Algeria for Cairo where he continued to work for the cause. He returned after the French gave up control in 1962. He served as president for two years before being ousted.

T-V journalist Mike Wallace died in Connecticut at the age of ninety three. He had worked for the CBS news magazine show "Sixty minutes" for about forty years and he won twenty one Emmy Awards. Wallace interviewed U-S presidents, foreign dignitaries, military and civil rights leaders and pop-culture icons. CBS plans a tribute broadcast on April fifteen.

And Facebook announced it would buy Instagram for one billion U-S dollars in cash and stock. Instagram makes a photo-sharing app for mobile phones. The purchase of the company is one of the largest acquisitions in Facebook history.

Outro (6:45)

And those are the headlines for this week.


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